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Monday, January 9, 2012; Y



fall for someone who catches you @04:40

Friday, July 22, 2011; Y

11th month :D

I love my boyfriend for everything. Who would willingly stay in a nearby mac reading on his own at midnight, for 4 hours, just to wait for his girlfriend to finish clubbing at 3+ am and fetch her back? Sho loved ♥ ;D

fall for someone who catches you @03:35

Saturday, June 25, 2011; Y


for other people. Like rich woman yangzhi for example. Having accumulated much wealth from not spending much, WE SPLURGED TODAY. Okay, it's not very healthy. It was just an outburst. After today, she will learn self-control. BUT everything we bought today was a STEAL. Seriously, the cops should be coming after us already.


My favourite is.. zomg everything ): the shoeees. Are dirt cheap but freaking pretty and casual. I WILL BUY ONE FOR MYSELF. Navy or black since yz's grey.


fall for someone who catches you @22:11

; Y


I am very happy with my life now loll. First Genting two weeks ago, then Tioman after a day of rest, and then wakeboarding the past tuesday and thursday.


The instructor was really nice and he teaches really well :D the facilities were good too, not dirty like what debbie was afraid of hahaha. Zomg I wish I have more money then I can go like as often as I like haha. But as it is, a 3-hour package on a weekday starts at $75/pax so........ probably can only go once in a month or something, if I really am serious about it and save up on frivolous stuff like. uhm. tissue prata hahahaha.

Check out: their facebook and website The Boarding School - we got to try wakeboarding with them through BigDeal's $80 deal. Woohoo! The instructor Mr Brent Chambers was really nice, patient and knowledgeable! And he looked really pro despite his knee injury :O

When I go wakeboarding again, I would definitely go back to the same school, the two inconveniences of going back are 1) punggol is seriously ulu, 2) seletar island's water is freaking gross, it smells like cockles (quote debbie, and I agree).

Anyways. The three things you have to keep in mind when getting up onto the board: take your time (don't rush to stand up), let the board float up to the water?, knees bent, handle to the leading hip. Something like that (yeah I know that looks like four things but I can't remember which of the 4 forms the 3 haaha).



Going with the girls was also more fun cuz... well girls are girls hahaha. Too bad masu wasn't feeling well enough to really enjoy it D: next time would be better.

Next something to try - ROCK CLIMBING!!!

14th - 16th June

Tioman was alright. But the snorkelling was awesome!! I admit my paranoia for the sea and everything, but the clear water and nice weather cleared up those fears and I could really enjoy myself (partly cuz I was clinging on to samuel's hand for dear life as we floated together hahaha).

The epic moment came when yz and moth somehow floated to a far corner of the waters and our boat was gonna leave without them until I went to look for them onboard, discovered that they were not there, and asked to turn back for them. SO TECHNICALLY I SAVED THEIR LIVES.

Then again, they managed to hijack another boat (seeing that ours moved on without them) to save themselves anyways. LOLL good one.

Other than that... well, the other facilities are okay. Do not ever choose to go for the "Junior Suites" if you are going to Berjaya resorts at Tioman. The suites freaking suck. For one, the rooms have very outdated furniture and they look dirty (though I'm sure they are not, but they look so). At least the housekeeping did a good job.

Another drawback of the suites is that they are located on the far corner of the resort, so to get to ANY restaurant/shops/beach, you have to take a shuttle bus (which only comes every 30 minutes, and is not exactly punctual) to and fro. Basically, the suites are perfect for loners. Not us.

Oh, and the entire blocks of suites blacked out on our second night cuz of the storm. Seriously. We caught a shuttle bus when the storm subsided at about 8pm and went out to eat to kill time. Tsktsk.

Other than the resort grievances (and some with the lazy couple moth and yz), Tioman was fine [: I wouldn't go back again, but it was still pleasant haha after all it was cheap, and moth's mum kindly booked the resort for us so we can't (exactly) complain haha. Must remember to thank her.

Oh, nice affordable food outside the resort (resort restaurants are overpriced)!

10th - 12th June

Genting was more fun because we did not spend so much time waiting around for buses. Hahaha.

One big regret is that we didn't get to go to the theme park at all even though we were gifted with free annual passport to the theme parks because samuel's uncle was a vip to genting casinos HAHAHA :D awesome. Should make a short trip to genting at the end of the year again or something to utilise the passes.

To make up for the theme park, we went on a shopping spreeeeee at KL on the second day. Spend the entire afternoon there. The shuttling around was convenient in the complimentary return trip to KL from genting (again, another casino vip's privilege). KL has serious CHEEEEEEAP clothes. Zomg. I bought a dress that I can definitely use for presentations in school (basic white formal-looking top with black skirt bottom) for RM20 or something. That's less than SGD10. And other things like SGD4 leggings, shorts, another dress for RM25. It's a lot of clothes in 3 hours of shopping loll.

I WAS SO HAPPYYYY. Spent less than SGD 100 on everything. AHHHHH!

Now I think I roughly know how Bangkok would be like. Zomg! Must save up to go during the next holidays!!

KL was on the second day. On the first, we wandered around to First World (we were staying at Theme Park Hotel which is strangely rather far away from the theme parks which were nearest to first world). Played around at the arcade, and caught a movie (cheap cheap again) and got complimentary popcorn and drinks. We redeemed these vouchers that came along with the annual passports to the theme park so we got extra 2 buckets of popcorn.

Total popcorn buckets count: 6
Total moviegoers: 4

Haha popcorn madness.

Ate at some mushroom garden restaurant that was crowdeddd with people haha.

EVERY MEAL AT GENTING WAS LIKEA BUFFET. Because we ate till our stomachs went into OT x: not gooood. Good thing it only lasted for 3d2n hahaha. But food was AWSHUM!!

jumbo jackfruits that we saw during brunch at a restaurant, while on the way down genting

And this trip, we had mew's mother, uncle and auntie to thank.

So many benefactors hahaha :D

fall for someone who catches you @01:17

Friday, June 3, 2011; Y

Zomg stressed.

I was mapping my life out for the past 2-3 hours D: so many uncertainties in life. Was looking through the specialisation courses and finallyyyy settled on marketing because it interests me and I can really see the course outlines apply to business. hahaha. So I was planing the core electives I want to take, there are like 4 of them. Then I saw that I might want to apply for minor in entrepreneurship... 16AUs hmm kind of overloading my UE /: plus it's not easy to get into entrepreneurship I suppose.

The main deterring factor is that I don't have time for it anymore ): if only I applied for it for this special sem... Next sem, I would have to use summer holidays for 8-10 weeks PA, leaving hardly enough time for the minor. Maybe I should still apply though... hmm. But feeling less probably by the minute. Maybe I can look into other UEs instead, to fill up the remaining 8 AUs of UE that I need (see, the minor overloads my UE by 8 AUs!!).

Anyhowwwwws, I feel really good for finally deciding on marketing and not brood over THM :D so I really, really, pray that I get into Marketinggggg. Dang why did I only get a B for it last sem ): I even made pretty notes for finals you knowwwwww /: sighs. Will revise the excel sheet I prepared for my remaining 2 years of uni life tomorrow.

Since I'm so stressed, I might as well revisit the past week of my awesome liberated life :D

Lets start from... uh, I can only remember Monday onwards from my hazy memory ):

Monday - ZOOO! :D took many pictures and the animals were really fascinatinggg! Mewmew and I enjoyed ourselves beri much :D but there was the kids zoo part that seriously made me want to puke. The smell of poo and everything is pungent at best. Horribly revolting. Otherwise, the zoo was really wellkempt and I'm really proud of Singapore for that :D at night, we ate at ichiban with my mum and my sister. I heart chasobaaaaaaa!!

Tuesday - Slacked around till it was time for kite flying at marina barrage with the comm funds peepos, liz est nick alvin dunhao! Met some of my ex s21 classmates there hahaha awesome belated birthday and chilling session man. Played asshole daidi and all :D then had super good boston special pizza at Rocky's hahaha.

Wednesday - Seoul Garden with IRAS excolleagues! Jon, darylene, sade and fadi! Zomg I ate so much I feel bad ): but seoul garden is seriouslyyyy value for money with the student lunch. BURPS. All the meat and the DIY ice kachang + ice cream! and laksa! ZOMG SO NAISEEEE!!! At night, MJ!!

Thursday - USS!!!!!! :D ZOMG I LOVE THE RIDES TO THE MAXIMUMMMMMMM and we didn't really take pictures cuz we were lazy LOLL I honestly cannot summon the camwhore part of me luh and I look fat on camera anyways, so it further dampened my mood. Boo. Ohohoh went to Chinatown for dinner with my aunt whose birthday was the next day, with my mum and her friend and my mew. ZOMG (of course) the dinner was sooooo awesome! It's some XO sliced fish beehoon at some bigshot popular food place with pictures of celebrities visiting all over the place. And we had crocodile meat which was not that overwhelming since mew says it tastes like deer meat loll.

Friday - I seriously can't remember much that happened on the 27th other than the fact that it was yz's birthday! hahaha. Probably rotted. Probably met mew's friends at night. I CANNOT REMEMBER (must be the alcohol from 24 hours ago) ):

Saturday - Met up with fi, ml and yy at Settlers' Cafe!! We always go there one leh LOLL the fish and chip's fish sucked on that day sadly /: the fish stankkkkk. But yy swallowed it all haha so brave. ANYWAYS we played saboteur and apples-to-apples and jenga and some lame games in between. Apples-to-apples is VERY FUN. Nowdays I'm addicted to board/card games. Lets fast forward to this Wednesday (soon).

Sunday - TENNIS! Woke up with aches in my body the next morning x:

Monday - Helped mew move his house with his dad. Condo is heaps of convenience and facilities - I LIKEY!!

Tuesdayday - PLAYED BANG AT MEW'S PLACE WITH KH. Zomg SO FRIGGING FUN i love the game la. Really. It's like role playing, but with a lot of intricacy because every single card is different from each other. LOLL. WOOHOOO!!! Buying the game (so ex can SGD60+++) so we can play it in comfortable english words instead of the one mew has (which is in chinese cuz he bought it cheapcheap from hk).

Wednesday - Butter Factory with masu and her buddy terence. Zomg it was actually quite fun leh LOLL must be the fact that I drank so friggin much and the place was so packed that I didn't care and just lost myself in the moment hahaha. Until masu puked on us (and into the drinks) SO GROSS ugh loll. Anyways, mew my beloved came to pick us up at 230am. AHHHHH I LOVE YOU.

Thursday - LAZED AROUND AGAIN WOOHOOOOO :D played burn out on psp and read Grotesque.

Okay gotta sleep soon. I know words are very boring. So I intend to actually upload pictures with this post. Sadly the camera isn't with me. Oh. I remember I have some pics already stored in my comp. Shall upload tmr to supplement this space.


fall for someone who catches you @03:24

Tuesday, May 31, 2011; Y

3:40am randomness

some people are smart, well to do, and even good looking. but why aren't they as friendly? or maybe they seem less friendly because of their other outstanding attributes. or not?

fall for someone who catches you @03:39

Wednesday, May 25, 2011; Y


why the freak do they need cash/nets payment at the office of finance, then use the STICKER and submit it to the hall office again? why can't they centralise the admin themselves? WHY? and why use cheque? seriously. can't we just pay the cash/nets at the hall office directly? if they don't trust the staff at the hall office it's not our fault what. why need to penalise us by making us travel to the two different effing offices just to hand in the freaking $16.05?? wtf i can just throw the cash in your face man think we're very free issit.

ugh just ranting again. cuz deadline's in two days time and i have to freaking give them the money somehow. HOW DO YOU EXPECT A LESS THAN AVERAGE UNI STUDENT LIKE ME TO HAVE A CHEQUE BOOK??

fall for someone who catches you @21:17

Contents are subjected to author's temperaments.
At least I don't bash (not reaaally), so chill.
I may be messed up; but please don't take offence.
I think; therefore, I am.
child of God
nbs; njc; rvhs; cps
harmonica; co suona

Like how they say.
I love you forever; forever is over.
-- Boys Like Girls, Lovedrunk

as usual, keep meanie away.

Off you go.

kung yin

Did happen.

November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
January 2012



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Other Support: L O V E