Thursday, March 31, 2011; Y

Dear Balance Sheet,
Y U NO BALANCED? D: I thought I did fine. Except for messing up the staff loan (it is an asset, not expense, retard!!!) and ADDING accumulated depreciation in the Non-Current Asset rather than Less it. Zomg how stupid right. I'm hoping there are no other mistakes...
And that's only the first question. Dunno what I wrote for accounting concept questions. Dunno what the heck I was trying to say for OA and agency and internal control. ZOMG. Should have revised. CAL posted the discussion notes so urgently last night regarding past discussion of OA should have hinted me ):
At least I knew how to do most of the numbers part. So I feel quite accomplished already :D considering I haven't been going for half the lectures, and not doing the last few tutorials, relying on just ml's work xx:
OKAY. That's all for accounting. WOOHOO. Now need to do accounting PROJECT zz. And hall stuff...
PUSH ON. Four more weeks to go. Then woohoo finals :D then comes the real woohoo!!! WOOHOO!!!!
Yeah I know, limited vocabulary right. Tsk.
Best Regards,
Tortured Animal
fall for someone who catches you @21:36
Monday, March 28, 2011; Y
deals deal deals
Hi Bank,
I just want to loan $25 + $28 please. It's shiokdeal. I NEED to do the bwax again ): it's getting ugly down south. So the $28 is an investment for the future since typically bwax costs at least $35 at the better beauty parlours /: IT IS A DEAL. A good one.
Next the $25. The makeup lesson that yangzhi refuses to go with me. It's a teach-a-man-how-to-fish thing. Basically, it is another INVESTMENT. And. She refuses me. How sad am I ): It. Is. A. Good. Deal ): all I ask for is some company. Sighs.
My life sucks. My bank has only $3 left. And I owe yangzhi $80 for the wakeboarding thing. Sighs. But I get to colour+treatment my hair for $48 in the future. WOOHOO. Investment is a good thing.
Need to somehow get my hands on money for Redang trip in June. Hmm. Thinking of yangzhi's bank account now (which is almost as weighty as my boyf's). So there. Woohoo.
Not to mention (as yangzhi mentioned), I'm still obsessed with free lucky draws (win iPads!!!!).
Now all I need is to get back to reality where accounting quiz is in 3 days' time and I haven't practised a shit. And I need to do up things for bread and milk delivery ): and I need to do my IT and accounting project because I am not a free rider.
If only I have more more more money from you, Bank, I wouldn't need to do all these.
As it is, I am a sad girl ):
Sincerely yours,
Sad Girl
fall for someone who catches you @15:49