Sunday, December 19, 2010; Y
Awesome Saturday :D
Yayeeeee yesterday was the best in like weeks :D though it began with a grudging wakeup call to swim at 10+. Warren CC is quite nice :D I shall own a country club membership next time ahahaha. Go swimming just requires you to bring your own swimsuit and goggles as all the rest can be provided by the towel counter whoots! And I should've went with another girl instead of two other guys ): no one to sauna with haha. I only remember going to mel's.
Anyways, I only swam an embarrassing 4 laps. I won't even try and boast about my past achievement with distance swimming. Sighs. 4 is like... sighs. Never mind. It was fine. Then brunched at the golfers' terrace. Service sucked like mad and they were overstaffed still o.o
Ate too much at the food place next to lot1 bus interchange x:
Then went to have our hair dressed with muel :D the place had booming business mansxzxz it was like full to the brim on all two of its levels D: and it's quite cheap. $24 for my haircut and wash. The hairwash was alright. But muel insisted it was orgasmatic... whatever you say, dear [: and he called the hairdressers 'barber' o.o uncle can.
My fringe don't poke my eyes as much now! :D
Anyways, then we paid and left the salon on a busss.
Once we got off the bus, it was raining like horses and ponies D: the drops SPLATTER on our skin can! O: still had to cross the bridge and ran all over to muel's very inaccessible house /: I wailed my woes all the way ):
Hot bathed and then dyed muel's hair :D IT IS SO FUNNNNNN!! And it's quite even the colour. We are very pleased :D anyone wants help with dying can ask for me!
Then I decorated our naked christmas tree... ZOMG IT IS SO PWETTY NOW I CANNOT STAND ITTTTTT. It's at muel's house now cuz I made it for him. Sighs I'm such an awesome girlf :D
I want the pictures ): but the finished one is still with muel. Here are the tree and friends though~
Awesome shit :D
And then I played Fall Out New Vegas which was sick ):
Then packed up and went to eat at some zichar (?) place which conned us with half a plate of toufu with zongzi and tty. Tty is a very grumpy old man ):
Then we went to Giant to... I forgot what. But we surveyed the area and zongzi wanted to bake!!!! WHOOTS BAKE! So we agreed to go to ntuc xtra for a wider array of baking goodies.
Went to JP to collect our Fat One + Fat Two rings :D they are pretty in black and gold lettering :D just that they are terribly loose. We've agreed to wear them on our thumbs instead of any of our other fingers /:
At ntuc xtra, got bunch of stuff. Cake mix, choc chips, jelly and custard mixes, apple doremy, honeydew soya milk, meiji milk....... FOODIES.
Went to muel's house and wrecked a havoc :D muel and tty were the least helpful ): but I managed to bake two trays of muffins with help from zongzi, the only nice uncle around :D though one tray was kinda burnt cuz we were busy making the second tray while the first was baking. I have no pictures ): they are with zongzi and tty, the android guy.
:D set up the coffee table with flute glasses, doremy (faked as wine/champagne or something) and the muffins. And I brought down the completed xmas tree on the table. And the lights were already dimmed and the aircon was blasting.
WHOA. So cool and chillax can :D
Then they cleaned up cuz muel's mother was already cleaning up for them and they felt bad haha.
Lastly, they went to play Fable 3 and I went up to watch Boston Legal.
Whoots :DDDDDDD bullseye!
fall for someone who catches you @15:56
Saturday, December 18, 2010; Y

Ugh it will begin soon. Anyways, my prescribed timetable!!!
Okay, off to dye muel's hair pink now. Buaisxzxz.
fall for someone who catches you @15:10
Thursday, December 16, 2010; Y
pit you.
i feel like booking all the slots so that no one else can book them........... RAHZ.
on the sidenote, ob is ):
fall for someone who catches you @16:04
Monday, December 13, 2010; Y
Dinner was nice :D it was pretty awesome actually.
Putien. Some chinese food from huazi's hometown. We had like 7 dishes + a jug of soursop for three people :O
awesome expensive crazy shit. The bill was $110+++ in the end ): but it was huazi's old 22y/o so :D and we took polaroid pictures. With my exam style hairdo with my fringe put up D: rahzz.
I just put the same
mask as I did from the second last post from this. And I realised why it's so freaking hard to wash the mask off after the prescribed ten minutes... You're supposed to
PEEL it off. Zzzzzzzzzzz. No wonder it like glues with the water onto my face and I had to almost scrub with my nails to get the stuff off my skin D: loll kinda defeats the purpose of putting on the mask. Oh wellllll.
stats this morning was... uhm no comments. I thought it was okay cuz I had enough time to finish the paper and go check some mcqs. But I realised that I oversimplified my
20marks LP model formulating question. Sighs. It's water under the bridge now. Never mind. I'm just glad it's over and I didn't seem to panick during the exam and had ample time to go through the questions cuz:
1. It's 62% of stats grade
2. I only scored 10.2% and missed out on the remaining 9.8% completely cuz of the lacklustre grades of my two quizzes.
HARDDDDDDDDD. It covers more topics than smu's stats, at least this I know. And we had like one week less to prepare? Around there /:
YAYEEEEE. It almost felt like exams are over already LOLL I didn't even feel so relaxed after my elective paper on sat.
Need to cram OB in three days for friday's paper. But I like essay papers.
Chilled with boyf and pris after stats paper. To sort of help ease her emoness o.o hahaha. We had
food therapy at timah market. And dessert at island creamery. ZOMG
BAKED ALASKA IS SHOO NAISE :DDDDDDD icecreams are okay. B&J's naiser :D
Then went to introduce pris to
kinect. Eh, she wasn't very appreciative of the coolness. SADZ loll. But she's a conservative
auntie so...
maybe that's why. HEHEEEE X: Instead, she prefers traditional pool. And
trashed me 2-0 sighs. With muel robotically repeating 'noob' at EVERY shot we make. Zzzzz idiot.
I'm on the phone with muel now. Awws boyf I miss you.
fall for someone who catches you @22:22
Saturday, December 4, 2010; Y
you can't be anymore discouraging.
sometimes i dont know you at all, and i wish i never did.
and for every bit that i dont want you back, i want you back a hundred times more.
but it hurts because we still dont understand each other.
im tired of hurting you, yet i cry every night.
because it is my fault, and you dont want to help me now.
you are tired of this.
will there ever be an end to this.
fall for someone who catches you @01:48
Okay, boyfriend.
I notice I've been patronising my boyfriend a lot.
Lose some weight leh.
Do your work leh.
Take care of your skin can anot.
Wake up leh.
Hahahaha sorry boyfriend, ilu still alright :D to prove that I'm actually improving, here's to item number 3 from above:
Okay, I don't mean to look creepy but smiling wasn't an option due to the solidly solid mask I smeared on. I don't even know exactly what it does but it's make my face expressionless pretty effectively so that has to count for some... uhm use. So there :D one step closer to clearer complexion x:
Had dinner with mum, sis and boyf at din tai feng :D it was nice. xlbs are always nice :D mum treated so muel's gonna treat xlb buffet the next round, after my exams. The positive externalties befall on us commoners, my sister and I :D HAHAHA.
Sighs. Shall wash off the stuff from my face now.
fall for someone who catches you @00:14