Saturday, July 31, 2010; Y
So, I feel more awake now hahaha. Today was lousy. In a way, cuz it's tiring. I think it stemmed from the morning. I got lost in effing ntu and especially the CEE building. ZOMG CAN YOU BELIEVE IT A GUY COMMITTED SUICIDE THERE LAST YEAR. I wonder if it was the carpark. I walked around there for a full half an hour... and I was so spooked when I reached one dead end that I literally scrambled for my life................ luckily I didn't know the story beforehand (only found out from spooky sam tonight), or I would have peed in my pants ):
Then walked around... followed the map. Or so I thought. Walked from North to South okay. That's like. One end of the earth to another. Zomgggggg. Two hours wasted just like that. TO SUBMIT ONE STUPID APPLICATION FORM. Fine, it will save me 700+bucks per year. But still D:
Cabbed home, cuz was already running late for usher. In the end, I made it just in time at Stadium :D SO PROUD OF MYSELF :DDDD HAHAHAHA.
Ushering commenced.... it was quite fun :D did ET. Somehow I knew I'd do ET. I'm possibly stuck with it for as long as I'm in the ministry haha. Not that I'm complaining. I love ET :D it's less stressful HEEE. And you interact in a friendlier way with the people. IMO luh. YAYEE :D but I still feel a little... unuseful. There has to be some way I can find out to rise up and really find things to do when ushering. I just couldn't see how /: sighs. Never mind. One step at a time.
So there. Uncle Burt drove us home today :D shers dad :D THEY ARE SOOOO FUNNY HAHAHA. I think dads have this humour thing going. Like mine. My dad is very joker one okay. His co-workers know him as the 'lao2 mah3' who always tell jokes. HAHAHAHA. My kids' father will be like that too :D JOKER!
Yayeeee. Had red bull. Now gonna chiong this special someone's birthday card... not it's not you masu hahaha. Sowwiee :D
fall for someone who catches you @00:42
Wednesday, July 28, 2010; Y
So she was like blah blah, blahblahblah.
To-be roomie was annoyed by me this afternoon. Along with her boyfriend Moth. Thanks for sharing, Moth.
Anyways, today marked the third day, consecutively, of staying home and rotting. Primarily because of how I have no money to go out. Really. I'm saving up. By not spending. Cuz I know I spend big bucks on weekends anyways D:
And I know. I'm lazy to upload my dad's picture. Hahaha. Just finished my tuition with my cousin. A one hour make-up from yesterday cuz he forgot his book in school. It went okay. He was obviously distracted. And sighs. I think I'm quite impatient. Was close to losing it cuz he was not getting the obvious. I know. I'm a bad teacher D: I'm just earning money, not aiming for the Best Teacher Award you know. Yeah. I know. Doesn't justify being a bad teacher still D:
Sec 3 tuition tomorrow. ANXIOUS X:
Ohhhh and just wanna say I'm so happy og outing is finally settling down to details. Yayeeee :D
I need to go make cards. Again. Ugh. I used to love making cards cuz I make them when I want to (ie when I get the inspiration). Now I'm slowly feeling less inclined to and... even a little forced. Oh man. Hope this feeling goes away soon.
Okay. I'm done here. *burp* sorry. Had the whole mrbean riceball thing all by myself ):
fall for someone who catches you @19:27
Tuesday, July 27, 2010; Y
Parents Treasure
I'm so glad and thankful that I opened the drawer under the tv just now. Zomg. SO COOL :D vintage, black and white pictures? Seriously. It's too retro and... heartwarming already. My parents back in the day!
So I unearthed my mum's lovenotes to my dad. I hence conclude that the stuff were from my dad's collection. ZOMG SO SWEET RIGHT! I WANT TO MARRY A REPLICA OF MY DAD PLEASE, GOD!! Except... uh, maybe (definitely!!) minus the balding part in the aging years :D hahaha. And my dad has a cool sense of humour. Ask anyone, they'll testify. Hahaha. But there aren't really pictures of them together. Just these two pictures of my father, one in his young adulthood, and another when he was a kid. It took me all of three seconds to figure out who the young boys in the photographs were. ZOMG I'M SO SMART I SHOULD BE A GENETICIST. Or something :DDDDDDD
And and (no I won't feel shameless saying this) I just think that my parents were quite good looking what :D maybe it's the effect of the black/white photographs. BUT STILL :D they look good :D and I have their genes (AHEM) HAHAHA.
My mum's letter was so sweeeeeeet. In chinese luh, but I understand cuz I'm so pro HAHAHA effectively bilingual. And I realised that she wrote them all on the flipside of bookmarks. Such a nerdy mama awwwws!
One day, I shall narrate the story of how they met in here. And maybe do some drawings for it. It'll be so sweet. Hahahaha. Nothing epic, the story. Just something plain, sweet, and totally simple. I just hope they felt what they wrote :D I think they did. And they probably still do. Awwws.
And and and I found a few more pictures of my sister and I when we were toddlers. Sadly, we lost a few over the years cuz stupid me used to take them and bring them around the place for Show and Tells and the likes. Zzzzzzz so wasted. But I was a pretty kid :D HAHA. Fine. WAS, alright. Pfft.
There were pieces of certificates and stuff in the drawer........ but all in malay. So. I guess I will go through the stuff again tomorrow :D and take a quick shot of my father's pictures so yall can admire him too HAHAHA. WATCH OUT FOR THIS SPACE HAHAHAHA.
p.s. it's strange to see him with alllll his hair on his head x: HAHAHA :D
fall for someone who catches you @00:56
Today, I'm leaving all my troubles behind.
I love the song Today by C3 :D da best.
I'm only blogging cuz... I have nothing special planned for the day (except the night when we're gonna catch Sorcerer's :D). It's a good feeling. Finally. Shagged from Thursday on. Hahaha the kbox on Thu night was incredibly draining okay! But it was a good workout :D I LOVE SINGING HAHAHA. Sometime, wanna go with iras crowd again, then mug all the english songs hahaha. WHOOOTS!
So that was Thu 1-6am. A good, solid 5 hours worth of vocal chords destroying. Zomg. I think I forgot I had choir on Sat that's why I threw in all I've got LOLL. Dang. But choir on Sat still went well :D so all's well that ends well :D and I love the toasts from Old Town before going for the k. (And I met my church leader there.... AWKWARD MAX. X:)
Friday... I had only 4 hours of sleep cuz we got home only at 7am in the morning hahaha. Then got up, stressed over housework and doing a card... zomg I'm very easily stressed ): CG in the evening. It was great refreshment :D still fazed by the largeness of Joy's orchard road bungalow O: one day, I'll be as rich as her dad HAHAHAHA.
KFC dinner! :D damn full. I still love fried chicken thighs (despite having already indulged in bits of Arnold's on Wed - and Arnold's still da best). *SALIVATE*
Saturday, got up early for choir :D yayeeee choir is super fun! Singing, praising and worshipping God together. The power. Clara was real nice and sweet. Yayeeee! And made new friends. Eg. Beatrice, 4 years my nj senior, and Sweeney, fellow Business Year 1, except she's going to SMU. SO FUN!! I LOVE MY CHURCH!!
And at night... THANK YOU LILIN :D she saved my life by helping me print out these pictures for my card-making. Thank you! The card looked good in the end and the pictures made it possible hahaha. Sorry for making you come down at like 12mn on Sat D:
Sunday, woke at 6am and met with sam at the mrt. Zomg I've never met someone as crazy and convicted. But anyways, we headed down to Marina Bay Sands first thing, and reached only at like 8 cuz we got lost and resorted to cabbing anyways hahaha. Marina Bay Sands has got real friendly stuff :D I want people to open doors for me everyday :D
Fun fact: Did you know cabs have no surcharge on Sundays? :D HAPPY!
Anyways, so we were there early so that we could get as many flavours of macaroons as possible. They look shooo pwetty :D but it's a pity I really don't like the taste of macaroons. The ones from Bakerzin were... I don't know. Just taste weird. Maybe someday I'll taste them again and like what's in there :D and so we got 12 pieces :D so cool. Visit Sweetspot. It's such a cute little bakery place :D the rum and raisin cake is uber cute. Not saying this cuz rum and raisin is my personal favourite, but that the design is so funny! HAHAHA.
Cabbed to church afterwards and reveled in how early we were there on a Sunday :D feels so special hahaha. Had the meeting with Sam and my fave cg mates! Cuddles~ ah. I love learning. Then I went to do up the remainders of the card. I THOUGHT IT WOULD LOOK SUPER PRETTY. Shared beef lasagna and had duck noodles with Sam. She's gonna make me super fat someday D: recalling the late night suppers (LAKSA CAN!)...
Then service came about :D Regent Business School GOGOGO!
Rushed out the last of the card after service. Very sad that it turned out weird ): I was just too stressed up and the card just flopped. Sighs.
ANYWAYS. Had dcr with sam and lynette. Hahaha. Awright, I shall keep in mind the things I learn alright. AND PUT THEM TO PRACTICE ZOMGXZ ZP.
And and I've been bugging people for an og outing since forever D: hor, jims, you silent blog stalker (along with lils)?? I feel very sad that my only camp so far is like this. Zomg how do people manage 3/4 camps. Never mind. I'm sure hall camp would be fun! I AM DETERMINED TO MAKE IT BLOODY FUN. I just got the hall camp spiral spine notebook thing the day before. WHEN DO I GET TO MOVE IN WITH ROOMIE??? X: can't wait. But need to sort out clothes with sissie. Hmm.
By the way, I got a new tuition job this Thu, 7-9pm :D $27.5/h :D HAPPINESS.
I shall lead a prayerful life. Starting from today. Quiet time, listening to God! :D HAPPINESS!
fall for someone who catches you @14:01
Thursday, July 22, 2010; Y
I don't know what's happening one month from now.
Yup. I was supposed to submit my unavailability to someone yesterday but I had the most horrible time deciding. The thing about moving into halls, no, the thing about simply going to uni is packed with the unknown. Sighs, I've seen masu blog about her fears. It's okay girl, you've got us all summarised there too, I bet. Though I just feel annoyed by the unknown. I need my life to be more systematic, dang it. And I shall need to kickstart some light reading on business. Time to visit the library tomorrow noon!
Anyways. It's been a pretty nua day. I watched Chloe already :D it was okay. Quite cool, the plot, though I saw it coming already, despite not having read up on it previously. It's quite disturbing, true lesbianism. Hmm /: But Amanda Seyfried is really pretty, in a cute and pretty way [: everyone is entitled to opinions, yo.
I think got to go now! I sorta pangsehed the nbs-foc-rejects-partay a little already, cuz I fell asleeeep. Boo. Oh, and yesterday was when I first found out how the cars' seatbelts work to protect us in an accident. Hahaha drivers like masu must be 'ohmigawd'-ing at me if she sees this. Zzz. Amazing how the tugging thing works on the seatbelts X:
fall for someone who catches you @19:48
inception |inˈsep sh ən|
noun [in sing. ]
the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity :
she has been on the board since its inception two years ago
is zomyfreakofnaturely brilliant. I love the cast to bits. And the plot is simply awesome! The word 'layers' is just so overused it's incredible the people can come up with them still. Zomg. I love the girl engineer. (Sorry, bad with names.) And I loveee Arthur, he's just so cool and seemingly inflexible but is so freaking smart at the same time. LOVE HIM! And his 'bickers' with the guy from the gambling table were funnaye :D
I really love the movie. Hate the cliffhanger ending though. Anyone has any idea about it? /: I'm more pessimistic. I expect the worst first, before anything. So... I think leonardo's still stuck? /: perspective.
I LOVE THE MOVIE. I think I need to watch it again... And I need to watch Chloe too. YAYEE TOMORROW THEN :D
I'm so happy I'm gonna die!
fall for someone who catches you @00:56
Wednesday, July 21, 2010; Y

Okay. I can't stand it. It's so tempting. I LOVE THIS PICTURE :D HAHAHA. It rings every ounce of truth okay. Thanks to weini's blog (which is in turn credited to some tumblr!) :D HAHAHA. Normally I don't blog tumblr pics, I just read from the bitchy girl's blog. But this is so symbolic. So there :D my 19 years of ever-green HAHAHA.
fall for someone who catches you @01:10
Tuesday, July 20, 2010; Y
Cathay spreads the lurrrrve!
I want to get away some place
But I don't want to stay too long
I want a brand new day
Trying to fit in where I don't belong
Hook....Hook me up
I want to feel the rain in my hair
Hook....Hook me up
Where should we go?
I don't even care
Anywhere is good enough
Hook me up
Hook me up
- Hook Me Up, The Veronicas
YES, FRIEND. PLEASE HOOK ME UP D: I'm sooooo bored. Thursday, there's gonna be a partay for nbs foc rejects! HAHAHAHA. I know I've had people google for 'rejected by nbs foc' and landed on my blog. Uhm, this person is obviously obsessed. But it's okay. I BET I'M MORE OBSESSED. I throw bitch fits whenever the topic of foc comes up. HAHA but I swear I'm taking it down a notch (at least) already. So there. I'm not really a bitch. I think.
And I smsed lizhu yesterday. She bloody dao-ed it ): I hope it's because she was too busy with her og and stuff. Then I can grill her when I next see her till she dies of the intensity of my glare BAHAHAHA. Okay. Fine, that was the inner bitch in me talking blah.
Yesterday had been fun :D it started out wrong. GV plaza had a long queue so didn't manage to get Inception tickets. Cathay was FREEEEEEEE for the day. LOVE THE MARKETING PEOPLE! CAUGHT KILLERS with masu and benghow! It wasn't good. Mr and Mrs Smith is still the first and the best PLEASE. Lunched at the kopitiam place, talked. Then bh had to gooo. Pfft. lollll.
THEN. We decided to catch another movie at cineleisure LOLL. AND YAYEEE! The timing for Prince of Persia was okay. We were only 15minutes late. AND THE SHOW WAS STILL SO AWESOME. Zomg I love the movie. It's so exciting and the graphics are just sooooo cool! Love the part where the person pressed the jewel on the dagger and the time reversed. COOLIOS. And I think Tamina's really quite very pretty. Awws. And the couple is sooooo sweet! All the troubles to get together. Too bad in the end Tamina doesn't know what really happened. But I'm sure she still loves the prince a lot. ZOMG LOVE THE SHOW!
YAYEEE :D so there's that. I spilt coke on myself cuz I had no straw during the first movie ): I had no straw cuz it seriously jumped out of my hand and landed on the dirty cinema floor. I swear I didn't do anything. It just jumped...
I think.
I was really clumsy yesterday. The day before too. At KLIA, I kept dropping my passport and boarding pass. ZOMG RIGHT. Maybe msia loves me so much it wanted me to stay. BUT PFFT MY HEART BELONGS TO SG! (Even though the mascots Lyo and Merlin look really cheena.) I wanna go to NDP. Haven't been to NDP before ): except for the p5 preview. But that doesn't count right? /:
Zzzzzzz. I want the goodie bag. LOLL NAH JUST KIDDING :D I'm not your typical Singaporean, yo.
I wanna watch Inception. And and The Sorcerers' Apprentice ): anyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
fall for someone who catches you @12:39
I wish I still used the f-word (I did, two weeks ago, but I'm determined to not fall back into the old patterns). Cuz I really want to use it now. BLOGGER JUST EFFING DIDN'T SAVE MY POST FROM JUST NOW ): It held a good 5 paragraphs worth of summary of my last three days. Zzzzz.
Anyways, I was just having this very public internal struggle on whether or not to upload the pictures to fb. In the end I succumbed to fb and decided to do so after I'm done with uploading photos here through bucket. But I won't tag myself unless I look pretty/spastic-enough in the pictures :D I love my business strategy.
And I also mentioned the pact my mum made me agree to after she saw me taking really cool (read: unglam) photos of myself during durian fest and dinner on Friday. She termed the pictures as "immature". So I am supposed to stop taking them once 23rd May 2011 comes about. Sighs.
It shouldn't be hard.... right? Only, life would be so much duller ): I wish I were in Neverland. Ahahaha. Alright grow up, retard.
Alright. Internet connectivity sucks at home. And my sister's just home from a lovely family dinner with her future in-laws. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
fall for someone who catches you @21:33
Largest organ on the human body? - SKIN
from the scalp.
from the ear.
Yup. My sunburnt top of my head. From last friday. I really think it's quite cool. Please stop telling me that I'm gross :D
Had a very full busy day today. Was at playnation with masu, then her ogmates came to hang out to, dropped by cathay to use toilet and see reagan, went to ps and lagged for fifteen minutes, went to bugis bras basah and found tecman all on my own, lingered, met up with sam and jov, bought their books, went to changi, panicked and waited for edlyn, ate very full bk meal (hate bk fries), met edlyn, hugged, kissed, and sent her off to hokkaido, lagged around, prayer conference, lagged around, chionged for last train home.
Quite interesting. Though it sounds boring. Oh well. I'm tired. It's 1240am and my bag isn't yet packed. I don't even have a bag to pack. Zzzzzz. Die. Don't feel like going kl anymore ): but airasia tickets are bought. Oh well. Please don't miss me, world. And I'm so upset I can't go for our first ever og outing. Okay, I'm so unhappening. Sighs, chillax mzp. Kl is the place to be at, yo.
loll right, who am I kiddinggggg.
Shall go brainstorm on bag packing!
fall for someone who catches you @00:37
Wednesday, July 14, 2010; Y
You have to say I'm good okay. Or at least better than before. I still have to practise my shots with the jerking motion but my right wrist was kinda hurting so we had to stop after about 4 hours. I really love playing poooool! :D And it feels damn pro to play it with the fingers splayed in the pretty way and leaning onto the table so sexily. Hahahaha.
YAYEE POOL ROCKS :D who's up for weekday pooling from 11am-4pm? It's only $4.80/hour so it's freaking worth it okay :D but I still wanna play band hero at playnation and I really wanna do things like swimming again. And rock climbing. And everything, you know /: I'm bored.
Met up with masu and yz today. Yz was so cute in her uniform, masu too, but yz looks exactly like she did in j1/2. With the hair and the correct shoes. LOLL. Zomg I love roomie :D
I wanna hang out again ): I'm so freaking boreddddd.
MY MENSES CLEARING. Okay. Shall swim tomorrow. WHO'S UP? :D
fall for someone who catches you @23:58
Tuesday, July 13, 2010; Y
So. It was a totally random thing. I think despite my very persuasive alter ego, I still felt pretty upset that nbs foc "rejected" me. (I WAS, but not anymore. I think.)
So. I had a better idea. I decided to join HALL for a semester or so.
And hallelujah, yz's on my side :D I'm so happy. She's so funny, and easily persuaded to do mindless stuff that she's bound to provide lots of entertainment and hopefully - just maybe - I can bully her into doing my laundry or something...... (kidding, cuz I think she's reading this LOLL). ANYWAYS. This effectively took some negative points off my storm-cloud mood. YAYEE :DD
I don't know how I'm going to handle my time. Heck, I don't even know what hall life in uni and stuff entail......... but it's going to be an adventure yes? I might want to feel like dropping out halfway (don't we all, during school term), but I'll learn to be curious and enjoy learning and just DOING in the next three years.
It's just gonna be three years. What can really happen, right? :D
AND CAN I JUST BE RANDOM AND BRAG ABOUT MY HAIR. I love my hair! Why did I even cut it off in sec 3 (or was it sec 4) in the name of O levels ): and taking all these years to cut, snip and finally deciding to grow it back?? Sighs. What's done's done. At least people used to call me cute when I had shorter hair :D not that I'm not anymore (ahem) but I'm changing my style alright :D to sweet, mature, AND cute!
AND I'M GOING TO PLAY POOL TOMORROW!! ZOMGDDADFNCKZNXCKHFAK. I miss it so much! Haven't played in months okay. Like.... MONTHS. Okay I sound bimbotic. But really. Yayee yayeee! With wy :D hahaha okay, not very exciting, 1vs1 but still. Good chance to polish on skills shooting balls. *whistle*
im so funny im so fine; im so fine i blow your mind hey zagpee, heyheyhey zagpee!
fall for someone who catches you @21:51
Time for yourself
I just remembered. For the past months, I've been wanting time for myself. Why am I bitching now that I'm bored and want to get out? Zomg I'm never pleased am I. Sorry. I won't forget how much I love lying around and reading SEP novels.
I love my life, still [:
Yes and yet, a touch of nbs foc would have been nice. But they've already stopped calling so there goes. I think faith is the key here. I'm sure God has something bigger for me in store. Or foc just isn't for me. I should be glad that I've went for tri-uni which is so awesome :D pray that there'll still be tri-uni next year and I wanna do something for it again :D
Yayee happy to not be a bitch again.
fall for someone who catches you @15:36
SFJAKJGI@U4p59uERHNJ KLWEo uWAF(Ouw3P49UGLKWKEHR!)U$P(EJGLDKJGKJSWJ(#@*20%$4949fhihjt kbr we9423h3jkerwke0f7038025inbaogj;rotu2o3y orhfkwhfhsflhhshfhsjdhfhdlfhsh;hhkjhashkfhkah
fall for someone who catches you @14:12
Don't we just love boring people
Hullo people. Boring's back. And it's here to stay. Seems like I'm not getting any call for nbs foc. I'm quite frankly upset. WHY! Why not me ):
I don't want to have no friends in uni ): and I want business friends cuz they're more fun durh. But I don't want to become cheena again. Sighs.
Okay. Lack of foc won't bring me down. Really, it won't. It's just for these few days... I'll mope around and feel all the grudge I can summon for the world... or rather, for the stupid foc organisers. I swear they'll be short of so much fun without recruiting me okay. loll.
I'm cooped up at home. Don't want to do anything expensive, yet wanting to do something. I really wanna do something and go out. Problems:
1. my $600 in bank is supposed to last me through my next three years
2. who to ask out????
3. don't want to irritate people with my whines about foc - NOT WORTH MY TIME AND SALIVA
4. what activity to do?? debs has a boyfriend now so if she wants to do anything she can easily hang out with him even more legitimately than ever.
5. yz has freaking jap lessons.
6. i hate my geographical location. it's so........ west.
7. i'm so boring no one wants to hang out with me.
8. more of cuz i'm so angsty this point of my life no one wants to be around me O:
fall for someone who catches you @12:43
Saturday, July 10, 2010; Y
we've got the tri, the uni, the triiiii uni!
I only realised this when I woke up today. The past four days have been weird. It felt longer than four days four nights............ hmm. Must be due to the seemingly endless cycle of seeing the same people (almost) day and night.
AND I REALISE THAT I CAN'T BLOG THE WHOLE CAMP IN TRUTH CUZ I DON'T WANT PEOPLE FROM TRI-U CAMP TO STUMBLE HERE AND SEE STUFF. Because the camp wasn't perfect and I have some whines to whine about. Yup x:
The nice things are, I love my og DINO :D and flintstones the chillax house hahaha. Love how we owned the games (refusing to acknowledge the tug-of-war) yesterday at sentosa. Goodness, has a day passed already really... awws. My ogls (or what they call the feh-sees) are uber cool! :D esp rachel jiejie and reagan! And and not forgetting that I have to thank debbie for going to the camp with me which set her back 100+ dollars of opportunity cost arising from missing tuitions on the tues-friday of the camp. If you ask me though, she did have some fun too alright heeheeee.
So there. I shall leave the details to be spoken orally or in my diary. I SERIOUSLY AM STARTING UP MY DIARY AGAIN.
Meanwhile, I shall let the few pictures I have do the talking. I'm still a little shagged despite 12 hours of sleep. OH AND I JUST WENT TO CHURCH IN THE AFTERNOON :D so glad I did though I mostly felt like lazing around. AWWS. But loved PsHow's message today :D
If the cat died of curiosity, it died well.
Maybe it's not a biblical phrase. But can't deny that it speaks evert ounce of truth.
My present for my sp which i retained. WHEW. I don't think he can carry off the look anyways. LOLL. Okay. I sincerely hope he is not so boliao to be able to stalk me on my blog. If he were someone like masu, he could. But I doubt that he's as boliao whew :D
ALRIGHT. IT'S DIARY TIME :D and I'm so glad I lost two kg :D
I SHALL NEED TO GO FOR MORE FOCS. AND NOW AT LEAST I KNOW MY MENSES WON'T BE INTRUDING SINCE I HAD IT ON MY CAMP DAY 3. Talk about suayness. And immediately towards the end of day 3, I 'lost' my i/c and ezlink card. ZZZZZZ.
Oh well. At least I got my i/c and ezlink back (hehe I lost it in yux's shoebag XXX:). And as for my menses... it was uncomfortable and sickening that's all.
Otherwise, all was good fun! LURBX. hahahaha.
fall for someone who catches you @21:32
Thursday, July 1, 2010; Y
feeling bah.
Top three things I hate about debbieyeo:
1. She withdrew from tri-u camp last minute
2. She totally compared me with herself and I came up as the short end of the stick
3. She nearly argued with me about 50 cents
Yes she's that mean, stupid gossip girl. Although the last point was pretty random. But Top Two Things sound weird. So there.
Ugh ):
I'm in og dino and house flintstones /: WHY DON'T THEY HAVE THE HAUS OF GAGA ): can't they be more hip ): the last thing I need is a purpur dinosaur (though I'd take this Dino over Barneys anytime) when my ex-friend left me alone for the only camp I can attend with herrrr. Horrigible. Sighs. Maybe I'll still have fun. And maybe she's right, with her un-around, people might actually talk to me and actually like my company compared to her oh-so-exciting one /:
Went to hang out with jiaying, sam and marrisee (sp) today. It was fun :D I satisfied my monopoly deal craving :D TALK ABOUT CRAVINGS, I settled the one for Arnold's Friend Chicken yesterday. ZOMGOODNESS I SIN LIKE DUNNO-WHAT. Shit. You know the chicken's so oily that when you peel off the skin while it's still hot, you feel like the pot of oil's frying your fingers too. Haha it's that bad. And the potato platter was darn good. GOODNESS.
Okay anyways back to today! :D went to the marina area again today :D ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY :DDDD the dome-like structure is called Ned Kahn. And it's still uber fascinating to me :D my 5cents coin went through the hole in the middle when my 20c one didn't have such luck last week hahaha. And we went to the hotel itself at the Sands. The international buffet looks freaking nice and worth the $60+++/per for dinner. Seriously.
Aiya whatever. Watching eclipse tomorrow. And Dr A.R. Bernard's event tomorrow!! SO EXCITING :D
fall for someone who catches you @21:53