Tuesday, June 29, 2010; Y
Japan, please win!
So proud of the japanese :D to make it to the top 16! Please advance to the quarter-finals tooooo!!
Sorely disappointed in England. ZZZ. Lost by three points?!?! I read it's the largest loss disparity in their world cup history. Shame on you ):
I never thought it possible that 30th June would ever roll around. Ever. Oh my goodness. As much as the idea repelled me a few months ago, tuition really gives good instant money. After two hours, zoom, $45 in the pocket. I NEED MORE TUITION JOBS OKAY!!
Because I'm almost dirt poor yes. And I still have my eyes on the 15-in Macbook Pro. HEH. And its free iTouch 8gb. Granted 8gb would hardly be enough for me /: BUT! It's better than nothing.
I need lots of money to hang out with my girlfriends too. And the focs (if I'm getting into them). And look at all my materialistic desires. I AM SUCH A SINNER ): I CONFESS AND WILL REPENT. Keyword being 'will'. My goodness, I'm really awesome /:
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, zp!
And have I mentioned, I'm going to start introducing myself as Zachpee. LOLL. Alright fine. As in my initials la Z-P. Which is what fiona started to call me by since sec3/4. And I kinda like it. It sounds cool. Like you know, zappy or something. Except it's not what you would call feminine... but then again, I'm not exactly the kind of girl you term feminine either *BIG AMAZING GRIN*
Thing is, dunno why I haven't gotten round to do that. Had the resolution days ago and till earlier this evening, I still told people my chinese name. tsk.
I have lots of interesting stories to tell about MY life. (This is about the only place I get to express MYself freely without feeling guilty for being self-centric HEE.)
But too many funnies, and too little time (and energy). I swear my life has never been so happening. What with the lack of class timetable (though there's the weekdaily work thing to consider still), and my newfound faith. SO COOL RIGHT :D
Sometimes I miss the days when I had all the time in the world to laze around and generally act like the epitome of parasite of the modern day society. Only for the briefest of moments, in between periods when I get stressed out because every week felt jampacked and I feel all guilty over having to compromise with people etc. C'est la vie eh.
One of the fables, I might as well recount now, is the day I had with debsyeo last Thu. I loved that day even though I had to call in "sick". (But really, the office air is hardly conducive for a healing throat semi-clogged with phlegm of Merlin-knows-what-colour.) Went to DEMPSEY ROAD (masu goes wild). It's quite a nice laidback place and all... but the inaccessibility is
definitely a thumb-down. Was there to get our freeeeeee lash-in-bloom done. So now we have our lashes extensions like we did 1-2 years ago. Edlyn hated them the last time, but now she coos at me whenever she stares at me long enough. I LOOK LIKE A CUTE BABY DOLL LOLL. Okay, the baby part is so... Justin Bieber. (Though I like that song. chills.) But the cute doll remark was speshwuh :D
Would have uploaded our beautiful faces here (debs has so many fans when it comes to her looks and african-kid limbs la okay) but as always, my phone image gallery is accumulating un-synced photos x:
And no. I'm
still lazy. Even though pictures would have indeed saved me thousands of words. Well. Maybe I like typing. If you hate reading what I type, bite me.
Anyways, then we went to PLAYNATION :D love it there still. Wish there were two more people. We should really play something other than bandhero, though my guitar skills pretty much still suck and I can never coordinate my feet to the drums' notes. WISH THERE WERE COOLER SONGS ON BANDHERO TO PLAY TO TOO. Goodness. Heaven knows they need more of songs from
Boys Like Girls, Maroon 5, Fall Out Boy, Good Charlotte, Coldplay, or the like. (oops, all boy bands. Sorry, I'm kinda still hormonal.)
Speaking of hormones, researched on tampons today because masu had to miss pool games today cuz of her menses which oddly came after her last round which was only 2 weeks ago. Weirddddd. She's hormonally imbalanced.

I'm sure that was PG.
I still can't believe it's tomorrow. My day of liberation. D-day. YAYEEEEEEEE. Thank God!! And my 700+ pay in two weeks' time!! WHOOOOOTS.
And I found my companions for D-day celebrations :D AT ARNOLD'S FRIED CHICKEN SOMEMORE. Yes! I'll finally be satisfying my craving for the bird.
LOLL yes
fall for someone who catches you @23:43
Tuesday, June 22, 2010; Y
T.O.P.'s new digital single :D ZOMGOODNESS. It's obviously hiphop/rap BUT IT'S GROWING ON ME. Brrrr. This is soooo wrong. Yet so right all at the same time :D as they say, hate the game, not the player.... OKAY, wrong context. But whatever, I shall tweak it to say hate the genre, not the singer :D and I don't even hate the genre to begin with. Simply not a fan x:
If you ask me, the black and white scheme does HIDEOUS INJUSTICE TO T.O.P. I mean, he's too hot to be contained in such a dull world la alright. BRRR. Angwey. Nehbermind. I still love him. Can I just say that his moves are slick as hell and do I even have to start on his !#%$#&^* looks? He's too pretty/handsome (I can't really decide) for his own good okay. I mean, HE'S JUST A RAPPERRRRRR )x
Ugh okay. I hate it when the fangirl in me rips into my blog. Shoo, fangirlpin!
Anyways, I have a reeaaaaaally intriguing friend. Shers. She is going CRAZY over the anticipation of my SOW results. SOW stands for School of Worship and if the word Worship hasn't already tipped you off, it's something we have in church where there will be REALLY PRO people teaching us instruments/vocals. I chose to audition for acoustic guitar (let Larry have some airtime eh!) and am quite very nauseated by the prospect of getting back my results. OHMYGOODNESS. I don't want to not make it ): but it's not easy to get into SOW either /:
Ahhhhhhhh X:
So this is where shers comes in. SHE IS EVEN MORE GAGA OVER MY RESULTS. She robbed me of my gmail account and stalked it for me. HAHAHA. I love my friend :D
News flash: I didn't get into SOW... oh well. I was hinted about the result anyways. So yeah. I'm fine.
fall for someone who catches you @22:28
Verbal (written/'typened') Diarrhoea
Ugh, I'm so freaking bored out of my mind now and my eyes are hurting. I've been abusing them by reading teenytiny texts on my phone till 2am on many nights, and facing the damn hp monitor typing out brainless lists between 8.30am to 5pm, weekdays. And I have virtually no human company while I'm at it. And and and and andddd.
Oh, and I still have no foc yet ): my prisch friend said that nbs always has overwhelming response for their foc, so they'll "ballot" which is a
very false word to use cuz they basically judge your pictures. (Can I sue? Cuz I'm bored. Okay but now that I think of it, they didn't exactly use the word ballot.Fine...) In which case even being photogenic (and I say this with all my heavy heart, because I personally prefer people being pleasant looking in real life than on still photos) may not save me a place in a camp. Sighs.
I have this craving to go for any camp (that's fun) this season in my life because I misssssssss nj orientation from two years ago soooo much, and I still regard myself with all kinds of resentment as I sort-of-ponned the last day of the orientation which reportedly was the highlight of the orientation week because there were the crazy dance party and the field games /: ugh, talk about the regrets in my life. And I couldn't go for the zone camp in church last week ): and I miss the harmoc camps I attended. I dooooo.
And I'm basically deprived of games which I love so much. And mixing around with people my age (or 'round there).
Anyways, edlyn just smsed me to say that, and I quote, I'm the 'cutest bunny in the world' (all in caps, mind you), and though I almost cringe at the association of bunny with manly me, I shall still accept her compliment (it
is one right??) gracefully. Now, if only she was on the registration team for the focs I have in mind... ahemhem.
Okay, I've spewed enough babbles. And yes, I noticed the lack of smileys. What do you expect when I'm blogging from work?!? DD: okay there you go, you forced out an unsmiley from me. Happy nowwww?
Actually, something momentous happened today, this morning, while at work. And I shared the discovery with edlyn (which was basically what made her term me as a bunny). It's really interesting you know, I finally have a complete set of names for my four babies (for my future family, of course). This set of names start with 'Ch' with two boys' and two girls' name.
I refuse to even consider the possibility that I'll have a lopsided yinyang balance in my future family. Nah-uh.
SO! I'm actually quite happy today :D
Oh, and I just came up with a title for this post. Verbal diarrhoea.
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fall for someone who catches you @14:00
Thursday, June 17, 2010; Y
Talk about responsibility
Manager going on vacation today till next monday. Which is why I can't take leaves this weekend till the next week. Gosh. And I stayed out till 2+am, slept at 3+am yesterday night cuz having supper with my church friends. Goodness. Couldn't even wake up at 12pm, let alone 6am. I hate my bed X:
BUT WHATEVERRR x: they pay me by the hour anyways. One day is just.... well, they earned back the 50+bucks I guess hahaa.
Revival night yesterday was sooo amazing :D so glad I went. I was so uncertain before the whole service. But now I won't
forget. And the presence of God was just soooo great!! I don't know what more to say here.... hmm. Anyways, I really admire our zone leader for his sacrifices and everything. One day, I can do the same things with the right heart, I believe. Whoots! I love my church :D
Watching KAIJI now... IT'S QUITE INTERESTING hahaa. The first 36minutes of it anyways :D
And I think people will really think I'm narcissistic if they base their opinions on just my blog alone. Cuz I only upload my solo pictures more frequently than others... x: it's only because I'm lazy to upload other pictures from my phone/facebook alright. (Blogger uploader is horrible and photobucket lags on my macbook D: ) and pictures that are already on photobooth/the pc version of photobooth are just easier to handle hahaha.
Lastly... sighs, I miss my sec. As usual, ec stands for eyecandy (much like iec :D ). Eddie and I stalked ours on fb. But I swear eddie is worse, she wanted to download her ec's photos onto her phone and tried to get me to do the same. NAH-UH. I remember I once lost my phone in nj....... AND THERE WERE HORSEY'S PHOTOS IN IT. I was so scared luh!!! Not for the phone but the pictures.
Like hell I would put myself through such tortures again x:
fall for someone who catches you @16:52
Tuesday, June 15, 2010; Y
Wahahaha, bring on the narcissim :D
Just finished watching Avatar :D it didn't feel like a long movie (though it obviously is), show how good it is :D it's silly that my sis prohibits me from laughing at the Navis when they roll their head while performing the ritual at the Tree of Souls or something. I can explain myself. 1) the whole impact of the it's-so-touching-I-almost cried-in-the-theatre did not crash onto me because I watched it stream on a LQ video on Funshion. On a friggin PC laptop. 2) IT REALLY IS FUNNY!!!!!! loll!
Didn't manage to finish the friggin' lollipop even through the near-three-hours-long movie /: in fact, I'm still sucking on it. I feel like the skin on my tongue and lips are tearing from the friction.
Regardless, I still camwhored while deciding to watch a movie, and watching the intro of Avatar. I MISSED IT :D
p.s. Sam Worthington is HOT :D can't believe I called him "plain" on Clash of the Titans 3D. I was blinded by the lacklustre "3D" effects....

fall for someone who catches you @23:12
foc registration - joke!

masu couldn't stop laughing over this.
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fall for someone who catches you @14:36
Merci beaucoup, junior
Thesis: RV girls are nice.
Proof: Lent my junior's classmate my GC just now and she was all smiley and 'thank you thank you'. And she tried to force this little box of Merci dark chocolates into my hands because she would 'feel bad' otherwise. Exactly something I might do too. HEEHEE :D thank you, junior! I think you can keep my GC luh hahaa. Thank goodness I changed the batteries for her, or else I'd feel like an arse.
Anti-thesis: RV girls are not nice.
Proof: The existence of masumonyi hahahahahahahahahahaha :D
Had a dreary day at work today, though I had enough work to keep me occupied till 5pm. But still. Most of the work are, as amanda put it, self-created haha.
I wanna catch a bit of nap now yawns. Going to zouk with debbie and mark and don't know who else(s) later. But I think the highlight of the night would be Monopoly Deal at someplace outside the club while we pass our time till the first train passes round orchard or something. HEEHEEEE.
I'm frigging tired. zzzzzzz
fall for someone who catches you @19:23
Wednesday, June 9, 2010; Y
VBS stands for Vacation Bible School
YES! I scored 70/80 for the final test today (71 actually, but I need to stop being so competitive x: starting... tomorrow! HAHA just kidding. NOW!) :D which was on the last five commandments - thou shalt not murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness and covet your neighbour's stuff. hahaha :D
It was reaaaally fun :D pity I missed the first two days worth of lessons ): the message on the seventh commandment is really cool though AHEM NOT THAT I'M HORNY. Though I'm not what you would call wholly pure and innocent, I'm not a perv either (STOP your snickering, meanie). But whoa, learning about BGR, sex education etc from the Bible is just so different and convincing. Yes, to each her own.
Went out with darylene, sadelena and basyir yesterday for a tiny iras gang gathering :D food was okay, the company was better. Actually, the game was MUCH better HAHAHA. MONOPOLY DEAL!!!
Daryl made me buy it cuz she forgot to bring her set. PFFT. I was reaaaally hesitant about it. It's not a huge sum... but $7.90 can buy me decent lunch or two alright x:
ANYWAYS, I didn't regret buying :D though I haven't won a single game out of the four we played yesterday. SIGHS. Just when daryl was saying I was fast at catching onto the game. Pooh.
Flashed the game during break at VBS today at eddie. Huimin and evelyn caught sight of it and said it's the best card game they've ever played! HAHAHA YES.
Went round to Suntec for dinner and gathered uh-layn-nuh too :D who's quitting (or got fired again) after next Monday.
Working tomorrow (ah blearghsxz). UGH. Two more weeks ): meanwhile I have to get tuition jobs around the neighbourhood to sustain my finances through uni! Especially since I can't think up of ideas to do up a business at the moment..............
fall for someone who catches you @21:29
Thursday, June 3, 2010; Y
Vampire Diaries!

Okay, though it may not look like it, but I definitely understand the importance of visual appeal. And I know how much I've been neglecting it in my blog. Well, sue me.
And yes I've been lazy to blog ): I've had a hectic weekend alright. Starting from last... Wednesday? Thursday? Thursday was yz's and also my aunt's birthday by the way :D did I update then? Yes, no, forgot. Pfft, I suck. I should just return to my diary, except that'll deprive my entries of pictures... Imagine. I've already been soooo negligent about uploading pictures on a COMPUTER, how can I keep up with printing them onto my diary? /:
Sighs. I think my life is pretty screwed. I'm just doing things that I don't wanna do. Like work. Such a pain in the ass. And other stuff too... just that I don't have the guts to say no. Neither do I have the heart to do things happily and obligingly, which basically just means that I'm in trouble.
Okay, yes I don't want to blog about my life. Maybe just update on what I'm crazy about recently. LIKE VAMPIRE DIARIES. Which people really have to watch. The plot is very intriguing though the season ended prematurely ): then again, all good things end prematurely. Sighs. The cast is... unfairly gorgeous. Nina Dobrev is so pretty! Especially in her 1800s look. Zomgosh%!#%@^#%^ and then there are the hot guys. Beat the Cullens (except maybe Kellan Lutz - even though he doesn't look his best as Emmett) and werewolves hands down. Plus, the dialogues are actually witty. Unlike the sappy twilight lines.
Aww fine, I'm so biased.
Hmm. Another interesting tidbit is I got rejected for blood donation again. Yesterday. Zzz. Vein too small. I'm supposed to do more heavy weightlifting with my arms to broaden my veins. GOSH. Fine, fine. I'm not going through that much trouble to save human lives this way.
And I have to mug hard for my guitar audition this Sunday. I am so anxious. I WILL MAKE IT. But it doesn't mean I can't feel antsy about going for the audition ):
This is a post that someone cynical like jeremy would call patronising. I really should dig out my eleven-years-old Happy Bear diary.
fall for someone who catches you @19:26