Wednesday, March 31, 2010; Y
Kiss an angel tonight [:

I've found my new favourite novel of the year :D it's Susan Elizabeth Phillips again :DD and it's her older work - Kiss An Angel. WHOOTS I'M LOVING IT. The whole circus theme is so cool and fresh, and the hero is perfect with the heroine :D I love them both, and the calafares too hahaha. Though even the calafares are well-developed... I LOVE SEP!
Sighs. Romcom novels just make you do that you know. Sigh in contentment, I mean. And some tears if it's a good story. And real laugh-out-loud moments. Sighs. I love this genre the best, with thriller far behind in the ranking. It's just so simple to read you know. It's always easy to connect with the characters and appreciate the plot. Not to mention the well-penned humour in some scenes. If only I could choose any novel and live my life as per the contents. And it will be an SEP novel since it's certainly an HEA. I LOVE HEA!
Though the journeys start out with characters and issues all over the place, you know they'll end up happy. It's the journey that really matters in the books. AND I LOVE JOURNEYS THAT BRING ME TO SOMEPLACE HAPPY. Sooooo I love this shelter of mine :D
Anyways, I always have troubles picturing characters in my head, even though I love to do that. Painting the scenes into colours and shapes from the vivid descriptions in the form of words. I'm most particular about faces. The simplest way was to match characters' faces to those of celebrities'. Sometimes it's Brad Pitt. Sometimes it's some male model posing for Levi's or whatnots. This time, for me personally, Alex Markov is that American Idol's host... Mr something-something X: his name slipped my mind. Anyways, you get the point. Males are easier. As long as he's a good looking caucasian, he just looks like every other good looking caucasian... LOLL. Oops.
But females are so hard to picture ):
Alex Markov is my favourite hero. He's different from other romance novels' heroes who are more jovial and crack jokes and are sweet all the time. Though fine, nearly all the heroes in such novels have commitment issues but Alex's was different. Cuz he's featured as some tough guy with Russian blood or something. So he's mean and rough but still sexy as hell and all. God knows I loveeee masculinity LOLL.
Heh I don't know why I'm taking such silly time to document my latest book frenzy. My trip yesterday down to the library caused me to return with 4 novels with the cute little red heart symbol near the bottom of the books' spine you know. The authors' names all start with Susan... HAHAHA.
Oh well. The first book was a good start. Hope the other Susan doesn't disappoint.
Okay, I'm really done with rambling on about books. My back of my eyes is already aching with words. And I'm still left with maybe 1/10th of the book heh.
Lastlyyyyyyy.... well... I've become a withdrawal to the circular flow of income in the economy D: my mum's paying me $10 for every day of housework I perform. Hahaha. And I suppose I can only spend the money, plus my meagre $100+ savings in my bank account, on travelling to and fro church because that's my only life. And the occasional movies. Sighs. I'm wish I could summon more regret for my impulsive quitting of my stable job earlier this month, but I can't. I only regret not being able to spend time with my colleagues anymore... but I hated the job.
C'est la vie. Eww, I hate the cliche ending *PUKES*
you're my only stigma left /:
fall for someone who catches you @20:23
Tuesday, March 30, 2010; Y
Sighs. I don't know how bummers can stay bummers for months, years, decades on end. I really don't know. As much as I enjoy the free time I have to read the romance novels I picked from the library, and play Larry off and on... plus the less interesting things in life and sweeping, washing and cleaning... there's not much going on in my off-church life ): partly cuz everyone's busy with their own work and school, leaving me alone to my sinking lifestyle. Which I semi-despise. It's a hard feeling to muster you know. Tsk tsk.
It's like I'm cruising through my life... and I know it's wrong. I do. I just don't know how to thicken my skin and go round jurong point looking for jobs cuz... I'm too self-conscious. And everything. Okay fine I'm cowardly too. Grand. And my agents stopped calling after a few putting off on my part due to my conflicting schedules with what the employers asked for.
I have some grumbles but don't know who to voice to. I don't want people to take them the wrong way, and I don't want to appear selfish too. I know my thoughts are wrong, but they aren't going away. So what do I do?
fall for someone who catches you @22:06
Thursday, March 25, 2010; Y
Larry's airtime
Been practising for an hour plus now :D so proud of myself. My Ode to Joy's almost smooooth~
Here's my formal introduction of LARRY CORT!~
This picture below is court evidence that ngkimyong once upon a time, at least, owned fluffy pink/purple pens and stuff.
And below, we have some eyecandy pictures for you to look at... NO JUST KIDDING LOLL. Though I love the leftmost picture, the definition of GOOD HAIR NIGHT. The picture on the right was taken to admire my beautiful then-new haircut.
This is my
RESUME PICTURE. HAHAHAHA. Did I mention that an agency called up to offer me this waitress job today? Some classy lounge place. Sounds not bad except that it's a six-day work week, which means that I might not be able to commit due to church... anyways, thing is, they have a uniform. In the form of a
CHEONGSAM. The agent asked if I mind that. LOLL. If I look pretty in that -
I WON'T alright. Which means that I need to go exercise more regularly now if I'm taking that job up!
fall for someone who catches you @00:14
Wednesday, March 24, 2010; Y
Zomg I'm SO happy I just prayed in tongues for about half an hour! :D YAYEE! It's one step up, man, I'm so proud of myself.
These days, I've been pretty busy. And still no job. I feel quite stifled sometimes. Every time I get a job offer, I think of my commitment to church and the trainings for all the ministry work. I don't want to take up some job and have to take half-day leaves here and there to go back to serve God. I'm trying to be responsible here but I can't find the balance still. Man, and I have no money in my bank account already. I'm scared. No wonder my mum says I can't survive on my own.
Truth is, I would have accepted a few jobs by now if not for considerations for all the activities in church. It's not that I'm complaining though I sound dangerously like I am, it's just that I'm still struggling to find a balance between the practical side of life and the lovely spiritual side. I know I will find out soon, and this is just one of the many obstacles in the path of Christianity. I'm not very worried... just sufficiently, humanly so. Awws.
Anyways, guitar playing still isn't looking good. My left fingers hurt like ark, and I can't stand it sometimes. Gosh. And I don't know what strum patterns to use. And how to change fingering for the chords so fast.
I guess it all takes practice, huh. And have a little faith. Larry loves me!
Went out with masu in the afternoon today. Whoa, hope that girl has fun at social night with her date :D ahahaha.
fall for someone who catches you @21:29
Monday, March 22, 2010; Y
I just spent around the amount that I spent on my nano one and a half years ago on a new guitar.
LOLL. Horrified, but very contented at the same time :D if only I were not short of cash, then the terror might not taint the spirit of contentment. Brr, life can't always be perfect :D
Went charms bracelet shopping and guitar shopping with Sherlynn :D Sheryl's sister. You know the one from nj aqua council. hahahaha such a small world :D anyways, it's really a good thing to have someone who knows (albeit a weeny bit) about guitar, cuz it's not so embarrassing when trying the guitars out. I think we spent two hours or so going between to shops at Bras Basah. And I'm NOT going to research online to see if I've made the right choice in getting the guitar that I've got. I DON'T WANNA FEEL REGRET.
Not that I'm not very confident of my purchase. It's S$26x, including the guitar, case, and tuner (and we later realised, extra strings). BUT THERE'S NO GUITAR PICK. So I can't really play it tonight... maybe I will just research on youtube for 'how to play a guitar' :D HAHAHA.
Okay, so that was almost a semi-impulsive shopping. But still. As long as I have people encouraging me to pursue music with my guitar, I will continue!! Especially since I have the goal to play for worship during our group CG meeting weekly :D it's SO COOL.
Okay, I think I'm about done raving. I need to do up my testimonial D: for church, not scholarships or anything. So yeah. Don't get the wrong idea that I'm setting too high targets. loll.
AND I REALLY HAVE TO SUBMIT MY UNI CHOICES TODAY. Didn't really realise that March's coming to an end. zzzZ
fall for someone who catches you @19:05
Saturday, March 20, 2010; Y
BMT's second session. Was great! I learnt sooooo much! LOVING BMT SESSION BY SESSION, MORE AND MORE :D
And I feel just more rooted. I must neverrrrr backslide!
AND ZOMG I'M BUYING A GUITAR NEXT WEEK WITH SHERLYN FROM BRAS BASAH. I think. That's our plan. I hope to find something that's affordable that I like! And we'll learn together :D YIPPEEEE. And we'll play for CG's worship :D EXCITEMENTZZZ~
It was greatttt! At ease and everything, cuz everyone knows my unglamness. Except when wl kept telling me that I'm disgusting. And I think she meant what she said so... hmm. Oh well. I'd better get used to it. hahaha.
Dancing around being high on the unmentionable is disgusting meh? D:
ANYHOWS. I love hanging out at mel's poolside :D YAYEEEEE!
And today I made a new better friend at church, liangting. So happy :D
fall for someone who catches you @00:40
Thursday, March 18, 2010; Y
5 choices
How to fill in the five choices for uni applications? They are veryyyy important. Because there's that chance that I won't be accepted into NBS. I dunno. I'm planning to aid in tjf's murder of people with 3/4 H2 A's and applying for NBS this year to safeguard my place into NBS...
Evil thoughts aside, I really have no idea what to fill in. Engineering? Environmental Engineering sounds okay. But apparently NUS EE is better since the 10% Percentile cut-off grade is like AAA/A while that for NTU is ABB/B. Granted, class size for NUS's is smaller but still.
And I was thinking of Maritime Studies (NTU)... but is shipping really my thing? I know nothing of shipping. What if I don't like to watch cargo ships pulling in and out of supposedly one of the busiest ports in the world everyday? And what if someday they really decide to cut a canal through the area between Thailand and Malaysia and build a new port there (yes, so it may take centuries, but still). I mean, the space for growth in that industry is so puny. At least, from my extremely limited POV.
Then there's also Computer Engineering. Immediately I thought of Apple. What if one day during the course, I actually have this spark in my head that shines brighter than Einstein's lightbulb, inspiring me to create some new mechanism for Apple? Like... well, like an iPad that's double-sided or foldable, etc. Urh, don't ask me the point of such inventions. I've no idea. I was just brainstorming - and brainstorming is very fundamental in the creativity process.
Anyhows, you get the idea!
Damn, I wish Open House was later. I've so many questions now that I see more options opening up just in case NBS doesn't work. You see, me getting worried is like losing faith. This is VERY bad. I have to have faith that God will help me get into the school even with my lackluster results /:
Then again, diving straight in, filling only the first choice and submitting the application would be more foolish than being a good little Christian devotee. So there. Fretting justified.
Okay, back to the topic. So if I have Business, Accountancy, Environmental Engineering, Computer Engineering, Maritime Studies (yucks)... oh. Ohhhhhhh. That's five already. Oh.
Now I just need to prioritise.
fall for someone who catches you @21:52
Thing about buffet.
All of God's creations are amazing. And so are buffets.
Most buffets don't cost unreasonably much, and yet you get to enjoy a good variety and astronomical amount of food, that is, as long as you can stomach them. Thing is, sometimes, especially when they are buffets where you have to prepare raw food yourself before you can eat, many things can go wrong.
The consequence of which is diarrhoea the next day. Yup.
If you think that this is something bad, well, let me tell you that it's not necessarily so. Really. Diarrhoeas allow for more bowel muscles exercise. It's actually healthy. I ask you, have you ever heard of 'exercises' being unhealthy? Honestly, physical exercises like running and crunches to writing exercises, they are all beneficial. Not to mention that when you have diarrhoea due buffet, you essentially flush out the excess food before they get digested and clog up your arteries and whatnots.
Ultimately, you get to enjoy the taste and contentment of gourmet food while not putting on too much weight.
In conclusion. Buffets have more pros than cons.
One downside that I can think of for now is... uhm. If you have things on the day after a buffet, or rather, the day you are down with an inexplicably runny diarrhoea, then that's just too bad. Have fun searching for public toilets (see, another physical exercise!).
But zomg I've my hiphop class at 7:30 O:
fall for someone who catches you @18:41
There is a God.
I swam 20 laps, of which 16 are completed continuously. Breast stroke. In 40 minutes though, I took my time. I need to train on freestyle tomorrow. Pray that I won't get muscle aches. All through swimming, I think I've been thinking about little else but God. That He gave ms strength and everything so that I could swim for so long - and could have continued, but needed to stop at some number anyways, and 20 just seemed perfect.
Played 40 minutes of badminton before that with hua, since tennis court was booked. It was okay, but tennis is just... irreplaceable, as debbie mentioned on fb. loll. Oh well. I'm such a sucker for these two sports.
Went out with ed and jeremy to shop and eat! Shopped, bought some stuff here and there, with edlyn reaping the most of the trip, as she did at ION during out january get-together. loll.
Then since edlyn wanted a buffet dinner, we tried to find one. Since Sakae didn't want to do our business, we headed to Seoul Garden. Like, my third time there I think. First time that I see the place getting so damn crowded.
Here's the highlight of the post: I freaking have smoke smell in my glorious hair. I'm serious. I'm stinking up the whole airconditioned bedroom; my parents came in one after another saying that the place smelled of cooked food. Except I would bet that it's burnt food actually. Must be the dried-up pan with all the damned clams D:
Anyways, they didn't suspect that hair could carry that sort of smell, so they merely told us to not in the room ever again (yeah, right). Good news is, my sis didn't suspect me either. Whoots!
Pictures up soon. Tomorrow. Or day after tomorrow. Etcetera.
I feel so stifled. I can't even draw out time for my old friends. Really, the guilt and dilemma can make me quite frustrated these days; I desperately want to make up for lost time. As for other old friends who don't appreciate me enough to, you know, well, I'm quite disappointed. Though I'm mostly just really miserable with myself such that I almost felt like weeping. Almost, since I hardly weep these days. Lastly, I wish I could do more to help my troubled friends, really. And I hope that church activities won't get in the way of my helping and providing company. Seriously, making me choose is a very pure kind of evilness.
Effectively, I just spoke to/about three ambiguous groups of people. I think. Awws.
fall for someone who catches you @00:38
Tuesday, March 16, 2010; Y
New job opportunities :D
I repent. Before God. For my desire to slack earlier this morning, when the alarm rudely brought me to reality at 7.20 am. I was actually vaguely awake a few minutes before that. Damn, the body alarm. IN THE END. I made it to church in time to help out with Heartfest. Yup. All I need was a little push and motivation from edlyn, who was going too. So yeah, at least I wasn't all that alone going. Because really, I'm not exactly comfortable with going to church without people I know. The place is just... huge, you know. Like, 1000 times bigger than harmoc loll.
Going saved me from MORE guilt from not helping out when I do have the time to. Whew. Thank God.
So was there till about 1 plus. Made some new friends :D they are all secondary school level though, but nice people. I mean, of course, almost everyone's pleasant there. (Whether or not we're on the same/similar frequency though... now that's a different story.)
Went for job agency interview at Ngee Ann City. My agent asked those routine stuff. And then he asked if my 'A' levels results were considered good in NJ. I said no, since lying is a sin. Then he said: I thought so. And he added that he's from SAJC. Actually, I don't know why he asked and said that. I didn't even know what to feel about that exchange. I mean, I should feel upset/indignant right, but I was really leaning more towards amused. Like reaaaally amused. Cuz he's nice I guess (well, it's all in his job descriptions eh), so I didn't think he meant to degrade me. Even if the remark seemed sort of degrading...
Then left for interview at Raffles Place. Same agency, different branch. Kind of silly. I was about to tell the girl that I already was going to have an interview with her colleague from their separate branch and hence didn't want to go for hers. But Raffles Place was on the way home from Orchard so.... just dropped by la. And the girl there's nice too. I adore nice people [: notwithstanding their job/religion descriptions.
Got home. May be having another interview with the employer from some insurance company at Raffles tomorrow. Swimming early tomorrow. And yup. Yet to apply for uni course......
My week's really packed. But it's the good kind of packed [:
Sadly, the bitches cancelled sleepover... like again. At least there'll be lunch. So there. hahaha [: with any luck, I might start working this week. So I don't know about lunch. Maybe dinner. Oh well.
Maybe packed isn't really all that good.
But still, it's good enough :D
fall for someone who catches you @16:26
Monday, March 15, 2010; Y
I went for BMT today. And gosh was it hardcore. My muscles in the two round fleshy parts that form the lower rear area of my human trunk were almost flattened and sore. And the upper folds of skin that cover my eyes were soooo heavy, it took consistent, conscious efforts to keep them from dropping. I'm not kidding. I couldn't function with five hours of sleep. I don't care that the leaders in church are superhuman. At least I know that I'm not one. Not yet, anyways.
So yes. You think the guys have it tough. Pfft. We have BMT too! hahaha. Alright fine. I shall stop teasing. M in our BMT stands for Ministry, so at least we didn't have to wear uniforms (though there's a pretty strict smart casual dress code).
I learnt SO much. Maybe cuz I spent so much time too, when normal services are like only 1-2 hours long. This lasted for like seven straight hours. Though zomg, it didn't feel that long on hindsight. Whoa.
I see going to church and listening to the preaches from my leaders as some sort of motivational speeches. Really, they do inspire you to do good things. But more than that, they ask of us to connect to God on more levels and everything. All the spiritual stuff yeah. Hahaha. Spiritual stuff that I don't publicise on my blog because it can be a bit personal, AND I KNOW YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL SECRETLY THINKING THAT I'VE TURNED INTO SOME RELIGIOUS GUNIANG OR SOMETHING. Hahahahaa. I'm still rather the same okay. Just born again and improved (okay, I can literally SEE you roll your eyeballs, cynics!).
Andddd looks like I'm gonna go church again for Heartfest :D
After which there'll be this interview at Ngee Ann City. With this employment agency. SHOULD I GO TO AN AGENCY? But I hate that they suck commission. Then again, I don't wanna go through Classified everyday as masu suggested. And I don't wanna waste time anymore /: TIME. IS. MONEY.
I sent out my resume to about six email addresses and today, during the preaching, my phone rang like crazy with about 6 unknown office numbers. Of which only two smsed me so I called them back. And I got this interview settled for tomorrow with this guy. Sighs. I hate going to an interview alone D:
Tennis (maybe) tomorrow.
Swimming on Wednesday.
Ice Skating and Hiphop on Thursday. (Sher said I could join dance ministry cuz I take hiphop lesson and I was like freaked. I mean. I ONLY HAD ONE LESSON AND I'M STIFF. Ask ningx. Wait. Don't. She has alllll the criticisms in the world for me rofl D: )
Fridayyyyyyyy I could swim again :D OR SHOP! YES SHOP!
Sleepover on Saturday - Sunday. Sunday service.
Got it all sort of planned out :D
Guess I have to slot in uni applications somewhere in between these activitiessssssssss.... Advice/suggestions?
fall for someone who catches you @21:50
Thursday, March 11, 2010; Y
Yayee, went for my first Hiphop dance lesson since I missed the first one last week due to my church cg activities.... anyways, still, it was quite fun :D quite la :D maybe I'll warm up to it soon. I love my playmates ningx and peis :DD Meeting them again on Sat for KOREAN CRAZE :DDD okay, not veryyyy crazy, but it's fun, learning korean! Just that I really need some outlet to apply what we've learnt in real life........ heh.
I swear I won't ever eat a full dinner before the dance class every Thursday. I felt like puking.
I'm seriously going to swim tomorrow afternoon. Then cg and Gen Y later. Anyone wanna come over to Henderson Room tomorrow at 8pm for a talk on work life and everything, catered to 'A' levels graduates like us? [:
SO I'VE UPLOADED THE PICTURES ME AND NINGX TOOK AFTER HIPHOP. Us hiphoppy girls :D though we didn't particularly spruce up our poses. It's already in us, yo yo yo.
Peis refused to condescend to taking a picture with us though she looks cute (ahahaha) as always tonight /: JUST KIDDING! Was watching the newest America's Next Top Model - Petite Models. Zomg if peis joined she would so excel in the Hello Kitty photoshoots!... not that there are any. Brrrr /x
I'm so bored. It's like 1.25 am and I'm SO bored.
Grr. I should just sleep, aye.
It's very, very hurtful, the things you say. The comparisons you make. The attitude you give. The negligence you show. I'm sorry I'm not who you want me to be. But why can't you deal with it after all this time? It's not like I always complain about what you do except for that crappy boyfriend of yours and general cleanliness. What do you want from me?
fall for someone who catches you @23:08
You know how kids have ambitions? They're so silly. Common ones would be to be a celebrity - singers, actors/actresses, etc. Scientists, astronauts. I wanted to be a President... rofl. Right. Politics. I don't even read the newspapers.
I was pretty much done with the first round of reading through the brightsparks materials that actually caught my interest. Like those course descriptions, small scholarships and such. Every requirement has 'Outstanding/excellent academic results/'A' levels results'. I swear if I see another 'outstanding/excellent' again, I'll chortle. The least they could do was refer to a thesaurus or put a sign * in the column to be referred at the bottom that says '* Outstanding/excellent academic results/'A' levels results'. Or say: Outstanding/excellent academic results/'A' levels results are mandatory for application for XX scholarships.
I digressed.
Still not fully decided on a course... yet. I'm so scared that my borderline grades won't take me to NBS. And I have this feeling that I don't wanna study business at NUS. Maybe it's the ranking thing loll, I AM SO SINGAPOREAN that it nearly upsets me. And NTU just sounds a lil less mugger than NUS. A lil. Not to mention that one is hella near to my house while the other is at least half an hour's bus away.
Gah. I hate the situation of 'they choose me, I can't choose them'. All my life I hadn't had such worries. I remember that my choices for 'O' levels was so stupid. It ran along like this: NJ science, RJ science, SP Tourism/Hospitality... Not gonna lament over my lack of drive for 'A' levels. So there's that.
P.S. I hate it that they take PW into account. Ugh.
fall for someone who catches you @18:16
Wednesday, March 10, 2010; Y
Bird shitted like what the hell
"The right scholarship can help you make the most out of your talents." - some Brightsparks paper
Maybe that's why I'm so talentless.
Anyways, just got back frrm kboxing craze with my colleagues. Think we shouldn't go too many times since there are only that many English songs we can sing loll, and we will soon go on a repeat.
Crossing the road at Orchard, I fucking got bird fucking shit on my effing arm. Like what the bloody fuck. I was so flabbergasted I screamed and fucking idiots went and what the shit me. I'm just so annoyed. And yes, isn't my usage of the f-word heroic and artistic.
Whoa. Damn it. Just when the Murny-Fad sisters were talking about bird shit. I mean, how bloody jinxed was that conversation la. Zomg. Anyways Murn was saying that it's lucky that it didn't land on my head cuz otherwise, it's toxic and I'd die faster. Like what the hell LOLL! She was dead serious about it though, citing that she studied H2 Bio. I'm sure H2 Bio doesn't teach shit like that o.o LOLL. Those sisters were like mad-laughing can loll. And they SPRANG away from me when I screamed as the shit splattered onto my very, very innocent and victimised arm. Very.
Ugh. Talk about friendship.
Am digging through the pile of junk Brightsparks sent. What the hell. The school bloody packed copies of the same materials into the bag. No wonder it was so thick and heavy. Ugh, I got a muscle ache in my arms the day after I lugged the bag home...
I'm so moody now. loll. TALK TO ME.
And I wanna go to NTU and NUS open houses. Got masu to go to the NTU one already yayeeness! But not sure about NUS... anyone please? [:
fall for someone who catches you @23:05
Tuesday, March 9, 2010; Y
Have I mentioned how much I find the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland fascinating? She's the most fascinating, second to only Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter who's a total cutie :D
"Off with his head!"
"Anyone with a head that large is welcome in my court."
"Her name. Is. Um. IDIOT!"
ROFL. Classic, really :D
And I watched it the second time today, 3D! First 3D movie. Go ahead, laugh at my refusal to bow down to mainstream movie culture by going to Avatar 3D. Rofl.
Anyways, I just don't think that the extra five dollars for a couple of pop-up images are worth it. Really, the pop-upnesses were nothing much to me. Made the movie slightly more interesting visually, but just not worth five freaking dollars.
I was thinking about how 3D movies may expand the beyond the limitations of the rectangularish screen and feel the entire room in a few more decades' time (technology is THAT scary). Because otherwise, the 3D-ed birds and creatures just don't seem fully 3D enough when their edges got cut off at the borders of the screen. Hmm. Or maybe in the future, movies will be like having you just put on some specialised goggles like those sci-fi shows and you're in a totally different realm, living out the movie.
Enough about the speculations. I like to watch how technology progresses, but not study it. Pfft.
Watched with masu. Caught up on quite a bit. Like seriously, there was so much to catch up on! o.o hahaha. Mostly about her clubbing experiences and self-proclaimed maturity. Hahah no comments.
Huge announcement: I kind of like QUITTED MY JOB impulsively today. And as a result, forfeited 3 days' pay for having not gave them a three-day notification in advanced and slogged my guts off for them for another three days. So yup. That's like a whole penalty fee of $7.35 x 8 x 3 docked. Which actually means that I'm receiving no pay on 10th of April since I worked from 1-3 March this month only. Rofl. I'm a dead, poor man.
But as I said, one can only take this much boredom and sitting around. I'd be damned if my next job is gonna be another call-handling/sitting 'round the office job. I'd rather save such torture for later when I've got to step out into the corporate world - and yes, I'm starting to face the music that I can't avoid office jobs if I'm so laidback and talentless in more interesting fields like music, art, dance, gymnastics, sports, heck, even writing. Even though I once pointed out to masu that I'd hate to be one of those adults in the Kopitiam having lunch at, well, lunchtimes. Just so... typical. But I am typical, non-outstanding, and fairly average. So there goes. My hopefully stable, but boring future already mapped out.
Unless an adventure drops into my lap from the skies one day. Bahahaha.
Whoots. I've got an awesome schedule planned out in the near future :D swimming, badminton, kbox, church, tennis, open houses, etc in almost chronological order. Yayeeness :D
Okay, I need a job. Fast.
I hate it the way you view me like you know exactly how I operate. And speculating that I act on the basis of selfishness and self-gain. Honestly, if so, why bother staying friends with me? It's actually infuriating to be aware of such opinions and you're saying them like you knew what's going on. Guess what. You're not a nerve in my brain, and neither are you even a vacuum in my mind. So stop with the judging. Ugh. Just had to blow my steam off.
fall for someone who catches you @19:51